Can Sugar Gliders Sleep With You?




Can sugar gliders sleep with you?

Can sugar gliders sleep with you? No, sugar gliders are not recommended to sleep with human beings.

Sugar gliders are fascinating small marsupials known for their unique and endearing characteristics. Originating from Australia, New Guinea, and certain components of Indonesia, these nocturnal creatures are often recognized for their ability to drift via the airway to a specialized skin membrane stretching from their wrists to their ankles. Sugar gliders are also acknowledged for their social nature, frequently forming strong bonds with their organization’s individuals.

A common question among sugar glider owners and fanatics is the feasibility and protection of permitting these animals to sleep with humans. This question stems from their friendly nature and the close bonds they could shape with their human caregivers. However, the answer includes thinking about diverse factors of sugar glider behavior, their environmental needs, and the results for human fitness and well-being.

What are the sleeping patterns of sugar gliders and humans?

Sleep patterns in human beings and sugar gliders show fascinating variations and similarities, reflecting the numerous approaches wherein mammals have adapted to their environments and lifestyles.

Humans sleep pattern

Circadian Rhythm:

Humans typically follow a circadian rhythm, being lively throughout the day and sound asleep at night. This 24-hour cycle is prompted using mild darkness in the surroundings.

Sleep Phases:

Human sleep is divided into cycles lasting about 90 minutes. These cycles encompass numerous ranges, including REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Non-REM sleep has three tiers, from mild sound to deep sleep.

Total Sleep Time:

Most adults need about 7-nine hours of sleep per night time, even though this varies extensively amongst individuals.

Function of Sleep:

In human beings, sleep is crucial for numerous physiological and cognitive capabilities. It aids in reminiscence consolidation, tissue restoration, and regulating various physical capabilities.

Sugar Gliders’ sleep pattern

Circadian Rhythm:

Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals. They are active at night and sleep at some point during the day. This sample is contrary to that of people.

Sleeping Environment:

They frequently sleep in nests or within the hollows of timber. In captivity, they could use material pouches or similar enclosures.

Group Sleeping:

Sugar gliders are recognized to sleep in businesses, which is thought to offer warmth and safety.

Total Sleep Time:

They can sleep for lengthy durations of the day, up to 12 hours or greater.


Circadian Rhythm:

The maximum giant distinction is of their circadian rhythms. Humans are diurnal (energetic throughout the day), while sugar gliders are nocturnal.

Sleep Environment and Social Aspects:

Humans commonly sleep in separate areas (like individual beds), but sugar gliders often sleep in organizations for warmth and safety.

Sleep Duration:

Sugar gliders generally tend to sleep longer in a single stretch than humans, aligning with their nocturnal way of life.

Function of Sleep:

While the specific capabilities of sleep in sugar gliders are much less studied, it’s possible that, as with human beings, sleep plays a critical position in their normal fitness and physiological maintenance.

How do sugar glider’s nocturnal activities disrupt human sleep?

Sugar gliders’ nocturnal activities can potentially disrupt human sleep, specifically if stored as pets near where humans sleep. Here are some approaches wherein sugar gliders’ nocturnal behaviors can interfere with human sleep:


Sugar gliders could make numerous vocalizations, consisting of barking, chirping, and hissing, mainly during their energetic nighttime hours. These sounds can be loud and traumatic to people trying to sleep.


Sugar gliders are agile climbers and jumpers. They might also move around their enclosure, climbing on cage bars, jumping, and gliding, creating vibrations and noise that disturb close human beings.

Light Sensitivity: 

Sugar gliders have sensitive eyes adapted for low-mild situations. They can be sensitive to synthetic light assets used in human surroundings, consisting of lamps or displays, and their nocturnal interest might be caused by using these lights.


Sugar gliders have a unique scent that some people find unsightly. Their fragrance can become stronger throughout their active hours, and this scent can permeate the residing area.


Some puppy proprietors may also engage with their sugar gliders at some point of the night, which may result in additional noise and mild that disrupt human sleep.

To limit the disruption caused by sugar gliders’ nocturnal sports, here are a few strategies that may be hired:

Separate Sleeping Spaces:

If viable, hold the sugar gliders in a separate room from where humans sleep to lessen noise and disturbance.

Noise Isolation: 

Use noise-canceling headphones or machines to drown out the sounds made using sugar gliders.

Adjust Lighting: 

Keep the room dark at night to reduce the risk of triggering the sugar gliders’ pastime.

Maintain a Consistent Schedule: 

Establish an ordinary for the sugar gliders to assist in adjusting their interest and decrease disruptions during the nighttime.

Consult a Veterinarian: 

If sugar gliders are kept as pets and their nocturnal conduct is causing tremendous sleep disruption, consult a veterinarian who focuses on unusual animals for guidance on managing their behavior.

It’s critical to observe that sugar gliders have their herbal nocturnal instincts, and putting off their nighttime activity can be difficult. Pet proprietors need to remember those factors before maintaining sugar gliders as pets and take steps to ensure the well-being of the animals and themselves.

What risks do humans and sugar gliders face while sleeping together?

Sleeping with a sugar glider can pose numerous capacity risks to the human and the glider. While a few people may choose to co-sleep with their pets, it’s essential to be aware of these risks and take precautions if you decide to achieve this. Here are some capacity risks:

Injury to the Sugar Glider: 

Sugar gliders are small and fragile animals. There is a danger of an accident rolling over, crushing, or injuring the glider all through sleep. Even a small quantity of stress can damage them.

Bites and Scratches: 

Sugar gliders have sharp enamel and claws. They might also bite or scratch if they experience threats or if they are disturbed all through sleep. This can lead to painful injuries for the human.

Allergic Reactions: 

Some people can be allergic to sugar gliders or their bedding materials. Co-dozing can boost exposure to allergens, leading to allergies and pores and skin rashes, itching, or breathing problems.

Unsanitary Conditions: 

Sugar gliders may urinate or defecate at some stage in the nighttime, and co-sleeping can result in unsanitary conditions within the bed. This may be unhygienic and cause fitness concerns.

Disrupted Sleep: 

Sugar gliders are nocturnal and energetic at night time. Their actions, vocalizations, and nocturnal conduct can disrupt human sleep, leading to sleep disturbances and fatigue.

Stress for the Glider: 

Co-sleeping can be demanding for sugar gliders. Humans flow and shift during sleep, which could cause strain and anxiety for the glider. They won’t get enough rest in this environment.

Behavioral Issues: 

Constant proximity to human beings, especially all through sleep, can lead to behavioral problems in sugar gliders. They may grow overly dependent on human interplay and not exhibit herbal behaviors.

Escape or Injury: 

Sugar gliders are agile climbers and jumpers. They may try to escape from the mattress, leading to accidents or injuries if they fall or get trapped.

Zoonotic Diseases: 

Any puppy, including sugar gliders, poses very little risk of zoonotic infections (diseases that may be passed from animals to people). This change may be mitigated with the right hygiene and care.


So, can sugar gliders sleep with you? Hopefully, you got your answer after reading about the potential risks and mismatches between humans and sugar gliders. Providing a separate drowsing region for sugar gliders, which includes an appropriate cage or enclosure, is generally recommended. This will ensure that human beings and sugar gliders may have undisturbed sleep and preserve their personal sleep workouts.


What if my sugar glider doesn’t want to sleep with me?

Respect your sugar glider’s alternatives. Some may also decide to slumber in their cage, while others may also revel in cuddling with you. Allow them the selection.

How can I make sugar glider sleeping more comfortable for both of us?

Put a bonding bag or a small heat blanket on your sugar glider for a cozy spot. Make sure that the place where you’ll be sleeping is quiet and well-lit.

Can I teach my sugar glider to sleep at a particular time?

Sugar gliders have their personal sleep schedule. While you could adjust their routine gradually, it is essential to respect their instincts.

Are there any dietary issues while sleeping with sugar gliders?

Ensure your sugar glider has admission to fresh water and a suitable weight-reduction plan. Remove any uneaten food earlier than bedtime.

What are a few signs and symptoms that my sugar glider enjoys sleeping with me?

Signs of a satisfied sugar glider at the same time as napping with you can include relaxed frame language, mild grooming, and the absence of pressure behaviors like biting or hissing.

About the author



Susana Jean, Pocket Pet Expert and Sugar Glider Aficionado Hi everyone! I’m Susana Jean, your go-to wordsmith and pet enthusiast who has a special place in her heart for the fascinating world of sugar gliders.…Continue reading

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