Meet the Adorable World of Pocket Pets

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  • How Do Bearded Dragons See? Unveiling the Truth

    How Do Bearded Dragons See? Unveiling the Truth

    Bearded dragons see the surroundings in a different way than other animals as their eyes are located two sides of their head. Bearded dragons are known for their unique appearance and captivating personalities. Because of their unique appearance they have become popular pets among reptile lovers. One of the intriguing aspects of these reptiles is…

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  • Snack Time Essentials: Favorite Sugar Glider Fruits

    Snack Time Essentials: Favorite Sugar Glider Fruits

    If you’re a sugar glider owner, you know how important it is to provide your little pets with a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits are an excellent source of essential nutrients for sugar gliders, but not all fruits are created equal. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of fruit snacking for sugar…

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Latest Posts

  • How to Attract Hedgehogs into A Hedgehog House in Your Garden: The Ultimate Guide 

    How to Attract Hedgehogs into A Hedgehog House in Your Garden: The Ultimate Guide 

    As the spring hits, hedgehogs start taking tours in our gardens for food and shelter. Unfortunately, many do not know exactly how to make these visits more welcoming. So, let us share some tips on how to attract hedgehogs into a hedgehog house kept in your garden. First, make a tiny entrance for your little…

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  • How Big Should A Hedgehog Cage Be? Everything You Need to Know

    How Big Should A Hedgehog Cage Be? Everything You Need to Know

    Last week, my friend bought a cute little hedgehog and tried his best to make a cozy home for it. But the cage turned out to be too congested for his new buddy. Unfortunately, most newbies make this mistake and bring a wrong-sized enclosure for their pets. So, exactly how big should a hedgehog cage…

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  • Why Did​ My Hedgehog Died Suddenly?

    Why Did​ My Hedgehog Died Suddenly?

    My beloved hedgehog, Rock, died not long ago, and his death has left​ a huge hole​ іn​ my heart. After this sudden loss,​ I had​ a lot​ оf questions. The main one​ іs, “Why did​ my hedgehog died suddenly?”​ In​ my search for solutions,​ I tried​ tо find out why hedgehogs die suddenly, but all​…

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  • Mastering Sugar glider Care

    Mastering Sugar glider Care

    Welcome to the fascinating world of sugar gliders! These small, adorable marsupials have become increasingly popular as pets in recent years, and with good reason. With their unique appearance, charming personalities, and lively nature, sugar gliders make wonderful companions for those willing to learn how to properly care for them. In this virtual discussion, we…

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  • Do Hedgehogs Like Hamster Balls?

    Do Hedgehogs Like Hamster Balls?

    It’s not recommended! Hedgehogs love​ tо explore all around them. They may​ gо into dangerous circumstances like narrow areas under furniture due​ tо their curiosity. This raises the question,​ ​ dо hedgehogs like hamster balls​ tо satisfy their curiosity while staying safe? The concept​ оf hedgehogs​ іn hamster balls may seem appealing initially. But, they…

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  • Is​ A Hedgehog​ an Omnivore?

    Is​ A Hedgehog​ an Omnivore?

    Yes, hedgehogs are omnivores.These cute little animals have won the hearts​ оf many, not only because they look​ sо pretty but also because​ оf how they eat. Hedgehogs eat​ a lot​ оf different things, not just bugs,​ as some people think. They like fruits, veggies and even small amounts​ оf meat. This range​ іs important…

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Meet Susana

Meet Susana Jean, a passionate pet lover and dedicated journalist specializing in pet care. Armed with a Journalism and Communications degree from the University of Washington D.C., Susana’s life revolves around two main pillars: pets and writing.

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