Snack Time Essentials: Favorite Sugar Glider Fruits




Snack Time Essentials Favorite Sugar Glider Fruits

A healthy food diet must be one of the most important matters for a responsible Glider owner. In this case, you should focus on not only the nutrients of the fruits but also the size of your small furbabies and give them the fruits accordingly. So the solution is to know all the information in detail. You should choose a healthy diet along with giving fruits as treats. Adding fruits to your Glider’s diet is also a wise decision. Moreover, some of the fruits can be fed both as treats along as the main diet. Again, some can be given as a vocational treatment not regularly.

Also, you must be surprised to know it is mandatory to keep 20% fruits in a Glider’s diet. You must choose the appropriate fruits for this. Let’s know about some of these fruits that are safe for your Suggies! 

What types of fruits Sugar Glider can eat? Keep reading to know! 

This depends on the phosphorus and calcium ratio of a fruit.  Wherever you will choose a fruit the first thing you need to know is this mentioned ratio of that fruit. To be more precise, your Glider needs 2 mg calcium for each 1 mg phosphorus.

So, you have to check first if the fruit you’re planning to give falls under this condition. Leg paralysis is one of the most common health problems that Sugar Gliders face due to the deficiency of calcium. Calcium and phosphorus help to maintain bone health and avoid leg paralysis. 

Fruits like apples, bananas, blueberries, cherries, papaya, grapes, mangoes, and pear are some fruits that are marked risk-free for Glider’s health. Let’s know more about some of these fruits! 


The Nutritional Content of Bananas

Are you wondering if Sugar Gliders eat bananas? The answer is yes! Bananas are one of the most commonly found fruits. Organic ripe bananas are a good choice for your Glider’s health as they contain digestive benefits along with natural sugar. You can include these fruits in the TPG diet. For occasional meals, you can go for banana chips and cooked bananas. If you can feed bananas to your Glider in the proper amount, it is one of the best fruit options for your Gliders. 


You can add oranges to your Gliders diet but you have to be a little careful about which oranges you are choosing. Navel and Valencia oranges are best for Gliders. So if the question can Sugar Gliders have oranges ever be chalked into your mind, the reply is also yes! The best part is you can make several uncommon recipes through oranges for your Gliders! However, you need to keep in mind how often you can give this fruit to your Gliders! Read in detail to know it in a better way! 


Right Amount of Blueberries for The Gliders 

Blueberries are one of the most flexible fruit choices for your Gliders! You can add this fruit to the primary diet of Sugar Gliders and can be also fed as a treat. Blueberries are especially the perfect choice for a BML and TPG diet! Some of the famous blueberry packaged snacks are also available for your Gliders. You just need to maintain the proportion and the amount of blueberries to keep your Gliders healthy. 


Sweet cherries are appropriate for your Gliders! There’s a chance your Glider may want to have them a bit more extra! But don’t fall into their cuteness, rather give the perfect amount of cherries to them. You can add cherries to the TPG diet along with the BML diet.  Cherries with yogurt smoothie is also a good food choice for your Gliders! Make sure the whole recipe stays organic and natural! And of course, give them cherries in appropriate amounts. 


The effects of Grapes on Sugar Gliders.

Sugar Glider can eat grapes also but there are different types of grapes! Here the confusing part comes! You must be wondering about which types of grapes are okay for your Gliders!  We are here to clear all your confusion!  Most of the Gliders love to eat the red one. But you can also go for green and black ones but all of these must be sweet. In the summer season, grapes can be the best fruit option for you. You can use grapes in the fruit mix. Making raisin and juice with grapes is also a handy option!  So without further due, know the whole thing broadly!


There are a lot of sayings about pineapple whether we can eat milk or certain types of food after eating this food. So what do you think?  Can you give pineapple to your Gliders? Well, the calcium-phosphorus ratio of pineapple gives the permission! Pineapple can be used in the TPG diet and you can easily give it as a treat but it must be a ripe one.  Peeling off the skin before making any pineapple recipe is so important.  But do avoid giving milk to your Gliders after any type of pineapple recipe.  


However, giving the preferred amount of pineapples is one of the most vital responsibilities of you as an owner! So let’s unravel all the necessary information regarding how you can feed pineapple to your Gliders. 


Here comes our most summery fruit mango! If you are thinking of including ripe mango in your Gliders food list, you are all welcome! Mango is one of the safest fruits for your Glider with the phosphorus and calcium ratio. 9: 1. You can add mango to the fruit mix or TPG diet. Mango juice and dried mangos can be a quick fix for your Glider’s feeding schedule. Some of the companies have also introduced mango fruit treats to make your work easy. To know more about how Sugar Gliders have mangos, continue reading.


Can a Sugar Glider eat durian? This can be a major discussion.  Yes, they can but for this fruit, you have to maintain the feeding amount strictly. Besides, you have to offer Durian in such a way that your Glider can eat the fruit easily.  You must remove the outer part and feed the flesh of the durian fruit to your Gliders. 

Durian cannot be mixed entirely in a diet; rather a small amount of durian fruits is the perfect choice for your Gliders diet. Your fur babies may want to eat a large portion of durian for its sweet and creamy taste but this can lead them to many health difficulties! So you must stop them from eating too much durian.

However, the positive part is, that your Glider will get vitamin C and B from this fruit along with proper potassium advantage! So before choosing durian as a Glider’s food, know both sides accurately and make sure you give durian to your Gliders in a balanced way. 


Most of us know olive as a sour fruit so this should not be on this list right? But the answer is different. Sugar Gliders can eat olives but only the black ones. After ripping properly, olives usually turn black which has a sweet taste and smooth texture. You can give black olive as surprise food to your Gliders.

Giving olives regularly to your Gliders is a big no. Moreover, you can use olive oil for boiling chicken for your Gliders that you can use in a TPG diet.  Olive oil refrains your Gliders from gaining extra weight and has anti-inflammatory properties in it. 


Moreover, frozen olive or olive with fruit salad can be the best food combo you can feed your Gliders occasionally.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is one of the most refreshing fruits for us but is it the same for Gliders? Can they have dragon fruit? Yes, you can add this fruit to your Gliders fruit list without having any tension. Specifically, the red one goes perfectly with their taste bud. Dragon fruits are perfect for making smoothie treats for your Gliders!  You can use dragon fruit with other fruits like mango, pineapple, or banana and give your fur companions a refreshing taste. Besides, this fruit contains strong antioxidants and heart-protective properties. The low cholesterol also helps to keep your Gliders healthy. 


You may not use this fruit as the primary diet but dragon fruit is the perfect choice for making various types of occasion treats for Gliders.


If you are looking for a fruit that can be fed in various ways, then ripe strawberries should be your number one priority. You can use strawberries in the prime diets of Sugar Gliders, along with daily treats. You can make some of the most uncommon recipes with strawberries like strawberry applesauce, strawberry yogurt, or smoothie. Moreover, strawberries can be used without any hassle as Gliders can eat every bit of it without the calyx part. The seeds outside the strawberry are the actual fruits that your Sugar Gliders love to eat. 

So without further due, time to make some of the amazing recipes with strawberries and feed you Gliders!

How to choose the appropriate fruit for a Sugar Glider? Is it that easy? Find out here! 

You have already found out what type of fruit is safe for Glider but whenever you choose the fruit, make sure you take the organic ones. Sugar Gliders are really small animals, so their stomach can be easily affected if the fruits contain any type of chemicals. So the best option is choosing organic fruits. Recipes made with organic fruit will also keep your Glider healthy and fit. 

How much fruit Sugar Gliders should eat? Let’s find out!

To know this, you must know the details about each of the fruits. Every fruit has its distinct characteristics and you must know how you can feed those fruit to your Gliders accordingly. You can use some of the fruits in the primary diet along with the occasional treat.  Moreover, some fruits will help your Gliders to explore new tastes and flavors! Knowing the properties of each of the fruits can help you to make the appropriate decision!

As fruits are our major concern, what benefits of fruits on Glider’s health? Check it out here!

At least 20% of the total Gliders diet should contain fruits. If you look at the ingredients of some of the major diets of Sugar Glider like TPG or BML, both of them contain fruits. There must be some reason behind it, right?  Fruit has innumerable nutritious benefits that will give your Glider the necessary vitamins and other healthful substances. Besides, Sugar Gliders mostly like the sweet taste that can be easily availed by ripe fruits. Here are some of the other benefits Sugar Gliders can get from fruits-

  • Having a boastful immune system is so important for your Gliders and fruits help to get that.
  • Fruits not only support heart health but also are rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants.
  • It minimizes the risk of having severe disease in your Gliders
  • Fruit helps to maintain good skin and thick fur in your Glider’s body. 

Besides, many other benefits vary from fruit to fruit. If you want your Gliders to have all of those, plan a perfect diet for them that consists of fruits! 

Can all Sugar Gliders eat fruits? 

Absolutely! There are several types of Sugar Gliders like Caramel,  Mosaic, Leucism, Albinism, and many more. All of them can have fruits! You have to keep in mind that all of the Gliders are individual animals. For this reason, the fruit liked by one Glider may not be liked by another one. As a responsible owner, you must find out what types of fruits your Glider likes and feed that accordingly!

Can you give them frequently to your Gliders? 

You should not give the same fruit frequently to your Gliders until it’s an emergency. The more you add variation to your Gliders fruit chart, the more it gets better. In different types of primary diets, you may mix the mentioned fruits and preserve them for a certain period. But for occasional treats, you must experiment with different types of fruits. Give your Gliders various fruits to find out their likings and dislikes. After that, it will be easy for you to maintain their diet! 

What part of the fruit can not be given to Sugar Gliders? 

You cannot give the seed, outer skin, and stem part of a fruit to your Glider. The Stem or seed of the fruit can lead to harmful consequences once your furry companion eats it. Of course, there are some differences. For example, the seed of the dragon fruit is edible for Gliders. But for most fruits, you have to follow this rule. This will ensure the better health of your Sugar Glider. After removing the mentioned fruit parts, wash the fruits properly. 


You have already had a glimpse of every sector that you need to explore regarding the Gliders fruit habits! All the mentioned fruits are safe for Suggies! You just need to know the process and way of feeding that! Moreover, don’t forget to explore the recipes that can be made with these fruits. This will give variations in your Gliders diet. To know each sector in detail, read about each fruit individually!


Can I give green fruits to Sugar Gliders? 

As most of the green fruits taste sour, your Sugar Gliders can find it bitter. Moreover, the sour taste doesn’t match with their taste bud. So it’s not wise to give them green fruits. 

Are excessively sweet fruits bad for Gliders’ health?

Yes, it can increase the health issues of your furry companion. Maintaining The right diet of Sugar Gliders is one of the major responsibilities of an owner.  And it has a lot to do with the size of this animal. Excessive sweet fruits can lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. So a valid giving excessive fruits to your Gliders. 

Can I use fruits in all types of Sugar Gliders’ diet?

Unfortunately no. You can use some selected fruits in the Sugar Glider’s diet. For TPG and BML diets, there is a strict fruit list that you must include whenever you make this diet for your Gliders. Moreover, there are some diets where you don’t need to use any type of fruit. 

Do Sugar Gliders need to eat fruits every day? 

You need to feed fruit to your Sugar Gliders in a balanced way. It’s better to include fruit every day in Glider’s diet. But in case you miss one or two days, it’s also fine! Moreover, occasional fruit treats should not be fed to Gliders every day. 

If packaged fruit treats are a good choice for Sugar Gliders? 

You can give packaged fruit treats to your Gliders moderately.  The most important part is that you need to check the reviews of other Sugar Glider owners before buying the packaged fruit treat. If the reviews are positive then it can be an emergency fix for your Gliders. 

About the author



Susana Jean, Pocket Pet Expert and Sugar Glider Aficionado Hi everyone! I’m Susana Jean, your go-to wordsmith and pet enthusiast who has a special place in her heart for the fascinating world of sugar gliders.…Continue reading

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