Can Sugar Gliders Get Fleas?




Can sugar gliders get fleas?

Without a doubt, the answer to this question is yes.

Sugar gliders can get fleas just like dogs and cats do. There is, however, a minimal chance that such an invasion will happen. Sugar gliders are often suggested as pets by people who want safe animals because they don’t cause allergic reactions as often. 

So, fleas, mites, and other bugs might bite sugar gliders, but it’s not likely to happen. On the other hand, this can’t be said about their peers because they are more likely to be exposed to different pests in the wild.

But, just like with people, it’s essential to consider your pet’s health and exercise. People who own sugar gliders often worry, “Can sugar gliders get fleas?” This is an essential part of pet care because removing health problems like fleas is vital to keeping your sugar glider happy, healthy, and thriving. While watching their well-being, let’s explore the fascinating world of sugar gliders!

Which fleas are sugar gliders most likely to catch?

Fleas may also be carried by sugar gliders. The cat flea is the most common type of flea on sugar gliders. This type of flea can also live on dogs, mice, and other animals. Minor, dark-colored bugs called cat fleas feed on the blood of their hosts. They can irritate sugar gliders’ skin and even make young ones anemic.

Which fleas are sugar gliders most likely to catch?

The dog flea is another bug that can live on sugar gliders. Fleas on dogs are bigger than fleas on cats, which are dark brown. Just like cat fleas, they feed on the blood of their hosts and can make people itch and get infections. It is important to keep sugar gliders free of fleas because they can harm their health.

Signs Of Fleas In Sugar Gliders

Signs Of Fleas In Sugar Gliders

Understanding the signs of fleas is equally important before exploring the topic: Can sugar gliders get fleas?

Before you do anything else, check out your sugar glider’s fur. Because they’re small, these bugs will be hard to see on the surface, so look closely at your pet’s fur. 

Fleas are light brown and about of an inch long. Also, these bugs can hop from one spot to another. Fleas are probably living on your pet if you see these bugs moving around on the fur of your glider. 

An additional red flag would be if you saw your pet scratching themselves more often than normal. When fleas bite, they hurt very badly and make the skin itch. 

Additionally, check for swelling and skin infections in your sugar glider. Flea bites can cause allergies, leading to skin problems you can see. If it happens too often, the constant scratching and biting at the affected areas can cause hair loss, a sign of a serious infection.

The pain that fleas cause could make your sugar glider antsy and irritable, which could cause big changes in how it acts. They might become less friendly or do fewer things they normally do. In extreme cases, especially when they have a lot of fleas, sugar gliders can even get anaemia from insufficient blood.

Can I use dog or cat flea treatments on my sugar glider?

Can I use dog or cat flea treatments on my sugar glider?

It is not safe for sugar gliders to use flea medicines meant for dogs or cats. It’s mostly because these treatments are made for the nature of dogs and cats, which is very different from sugar gliders. 

Sugar gliders are a lot smaller, and their bodies are built differently. In other words, things that are safe for dogs and cats might harm sugar gliders. 

For example, many dog flea medicines use chemicals like permethrin, which is very dangerous for many smaller animals. Also, the doses in flea treatments for dogs and cats are way too high for sugar gliders. 

They can overdose and have serious health problems or even die. Since sugar gliders haven’t been used to test these goods’ safety, it’s impossible to know how they might respond. Talking to a vet with experience with sugar gliders is always the best way to get safe and effective flea control tips made just for them.

Flea Treatment For Sugar Gliders

Flea Treatment For Sugar Gliders


Maintaining your pet’s cleaning schedule is one thing you can do. This will keep your sugar glider and the place where it lives always clean. Still, it’s important to remember that sugar gliders can be bathed infrequently. 

They care for their fur similarly to how cats do it. So there’s no need to bathe them. You will only have to bathe them if you smell something bad. If you decide to bathe your friend, use safe shampoo for pets. 

Don’t use shampoo made for people on your pet; you don’t know how it will react with their skin. Use the shampoo that your vet recommends.

Cage Cleaning

Sugar gliders are quite sensitive to their surroundings. If their environment is neglected, they might grow anxious. A clean cage prevents germs and smells from causing health problems for your sugar glider.

Initially, start a cleaning regimen. Keep the cage clean and spot clean daily. This includes cleaning up leftover food, bedding, and rubbish. Sugar gliders should be checked for food in the cage as messy eaters.

Weekly thorough cleaning is recommended. Your sugar glider, toys, food bowls, and accessories must be removed from the cage. Check each item for wear and damage now. Replace broken toys and accessories to avoid harm.

Mix warm water and a pet-safe detergent to clean. Strong chemicals and perfumed things might hurt or irritate your sugar glider. Clean the cage, bars, base, and detachable trays. Brushing may remove tough stains and residues.

After cleaning, rinse the cage well to remove detergent. Before reassembling, the cage must dry fully. Sugar gliders are susceptible to mold and pathogens in moist environments.

While the cage dries, clean and check your sugar glider’s toys and accessories. Use mild detergent to clean dishes and water bottles, and rinse thoroughly. Replacement is best for worn or damaged items.

After cleaning and drying:

1Reassemble the cage.
2Use new bedding at the bottom.
3Sugar gliders like soft, absorbent substrates. If they’re safe and non-toxic, you may use commercial small animal bedding or natural solutions like shredded paper or fleece.

Finally, put away toys, plates, and accessories. Change the cage arrangement sometimes. Environmental changes help keep your sugar glider clean and stimulate their minds, which is vital to their health.

When cleaning your sugar glider’s cage, be gentle. Letting children play in a safe, contained place can help you connect. They may exercise and explore as you clean.

Keep sugar glider food and water bowls clean.

Clean your sugar glider’s water bottle and bowls whenever you feed it. First, rinse them under running water to remove any food stuck. After that, clean them well with hot or warm water and a liquid or dish soap. After feeding, this should be done every time so fleas don’t find a good place to live. Leave your pet’s water bowl out of the open for a short time, which can also bring other bugs.


Do sugar gliders have a chance from fleas?

Aside from irritation and itching, fleas may also bring about allergic responses or skin infections. On excessive occasions, they may bring about anemia, particularly in young or tiny sugar gliders.

Can I use ordinary flea sprays or shampoos on my sugar glider?

You should no longer use everyday flea sprays or shampoos on sugar gliders. These merchandise can be dangerous to them. Always search for recommendations from a vet for appropriate remedies.

What ought I do if I discover fleas in my sugar glider’s cage?

Clean the cage thoroughly. Wash all bedding and accessories in hot water and clean the cage with a safe, puppy-friendly disinfectant. Regular cleaning can save your buddy from flea infestations in the cage.

Are fleas dangerous for sugar gliders?

Yes, in extreme circumstances, fleas may cause major health complications, including anaemia, allergies, and pain.

Are there natural remedies for fleas on sugar gliders?

While some natural remedies exist, their effectiveness and safety can vary. Consult with a veterinarian before trying any home remedies.

Is it mandatory to see a vet for fleas on my sugar glider?

Yes, you need to talk to a doctor. They can give you the safest and most effective ways to treat your pet.


Fleas can bite sugar gliders, but it doesn’t happen very often. It’s harder for fleas and mites to stay on these dogs because their fur is thick. You can even ensure this never happens to your cute little glider. 

This means bathing your pet when it’s time, keeping his box clean by switching out the bedding, and ensuring his bowls and other items are clean. Also, keep your yard clean by mowing the grass often and picking up any trash that’s in the way. 

Of course, if your sugar glider already has fleas, you should give them a quick bath to get rid of them. You can do this with a flea shampoo that is safe for pets. 

Run a flea comb through their hair after the bath to get rid of any fleas, flea dirt, or droppings that are still there. Lastly, check your sugar glider for fleas every once in a while to make sure he doesn’t get another attack.

About the author



Susana Jean, Pocket Pet Expert and Sugar Glider Aficionado Hi everyone! I’m Susana Jean, your go-to wordsmith and pet enthusiast who has a special place in her heart for the fascinating world of sugar gliders.…Continue reading

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