Can Sugar Gliders Have Watermelon?




Can Sugar Gliders Have Watermelon?

Who doesn’t enjoy biting into a luscious piece of watermelon on a sweltering summer day? But have you ever wondered if the sugar glider, your animal buddy, may also partake in this excellent fruit? Now, you can stop wondering!

Adorable tiny sugar gliders need a healthy, well-balanced diet to flourish. Although insects and nectar make up their main diet, adding fruits like watermelon can give them extra vitamins and help them stay hydrated. It’s essential to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of providing watermelon to these small marsupials.

So, sit as we explore the fascinating world of sugar gliders and their connection to this beloved summer. 

Can Sugar Gliders Have Watermelon? A Sugar Glider Must Ask!

Can Sugar Gliders Have Watermelon

Although adding watermelons to your sugar glider’s diet can provide sweetness, juiciness, and intrigue, there are a few things you should watch out for. The seeds come first. You cannot be sure that your sugar glider will eat through the seeds, despite the claims of several sugar glider owners that their animals do so.

Usually, they are intelligent enough to limit their intake to the watermelon’s edible sections. On the other hand, you must handle the seeds carefully. You should permanently remove the seeds, so that’s one less thing to worry about. Compared to apple seeds, watermelon seeds provide less of a threat to sugar gliders

A 100-gram serving of watermelon is a light and refreshing choice, offering just 30 calories, making it an excellent option for those monitoring their calorie intake. The fat content is almost negligible at 0.2 grams, which accounts for none of the daily value, indicating that watermelon is virtually fat-free. This serving contains no saturated fat or cholesterol, further emphasizing its healthful qualities.

The sodium content is exceptionally low, at 1 milligram, virtually inconsequential in terms of daily consumption, making it a heart-friendly choice. In contrast, watermelon is a good source of potassium, providing 112 milligrams, which is about 3% of the daily value, supporting muscle and nerve function.

Carbohydrates are present at 8 grams per serving, with a small portion coming from dietary fiber (0.4 grams). While the fiber content is modest, it still contributes to the fruit’s ability to aid digestion. The natural sugars in watermelon, amounting to 6 grams, give it a sweet taste without the need for added sugar.

Protein is present in small amounts, at 0.6 grams, which is typical for fruit. When it comes to vitamins and minerals, watermelon is an excellent source of Vitamin C, providing 13% of the daily value, which is crucial for immune function and skin health. It contains minimal amounts of calcium and Vitamin B6 and no Vitamin D or Cobalamin (Vitamin B12). However, it does offer 1% of the daily value for iron, which is important for blood health, and 2% for magnesium, which plays a role in many enzymatic reactions in the body.

Still, you can safely take the seeds out. Second, your sugar baby might only process some fiber in the watermelon’s hard outer layer. It’s best to keep the green sections of the watermelon away from your curious sugar gliders. All you need to do is take a watermelon slicer cutter and chop off the luscious red fruit!

Importance of fruit in Sugar Glider’s diet

  • Apples (1 medium apple: 95 calories, 4 grams of fiber, 19 grams of sugar)
  • Blueberries (1 cup: 85 calories, 4 grams of fiber, 15 grams of sugar)
  • Raspberries (1 cup: 65 calories, 8 grams of fiber, 5 grams of sugar)
  • Papaya (1 cup: 62 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 11 grams of sugar)
  • Pineapple (1 cup: 82 calories, 2.3 grams of fiber, 16 grams of sugar)
  • Kiwi (1 medium kiwi: 61 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber, 9 grams of sugar)
  • Mango (1 cup: 100 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 23 grams of sugar)
  • Cantaloupe (1 cup: 53 calories, 1.4 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar)
  • Pears (1 medium pear: 101 calories, 6 grams of fiber, 17 grams of sugar)
  • Grapes (1 cup: 104 calories, 1.4 grams of fiber, 23 grams of sugar)
  • Strawberries (1 cup: 49 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 7 grams of sugar)
  • Blackberries (1 cup: 62 calories, 8 grams of fiber, 7 grams of sugar)
  • Oranges (1 medium orange: 62 calories, 3.1 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar)
  • Bananas (1 medium banana: 105 calories, 3.1 grams of fiber, 14 grams of sugar)

Keeping an Eye on Your Sugar Glider’s Health

When giving your sugar glider a new food, like watermelon, it’s important to watch its health. Here are some essential things to keep an eye on:

Digestive Health: 

Keep an eye on your sugar glider for any signs of digestive problems, like diarrhea, bloating, or changes in stools. If any of these things happen, it could mean that watermelon is unsuitable for your sugar swing.

Looking Out for Allergic Reactions: 

Look for signs of allergic reactions, like itching, redness, swelling, or trouble breathing. If any of these things happen after your sugar glider eats watermelon, you should stop giving it immediately and talk to your vet.

Behavioral Changes: 

Pay close attention if your sugar glider’s behavior changes strangely after eating watermelon. This could mean feeling tired, losing hunger, or being less active. A doctor should be consulted if you notice any significant changes.


Keep an eye on how much your sugar bird weighs. Even though watermelon has few calories, you should keep your sugar glider at a safe weight. If you overeat fruit or any other high-sugar treat, you could gain weight and have health problems.

Dental Health: 

Check your sugar glider’s teeth in good shape by checking them often. Fruits like watermelon can help kids keep their teeth clean and healthy. But you should see a vet if you notice any problems with their teeth or if they are eating differently.

It’s essential to keep an eye on your sugar glider’s health and well-being when giving it any new food, like watermelon. If you are worried or have questions, you should always talk to a vet who cares for sugar gliders.

Using Watermelon to Activate Your Sugar Glider

You can use watermelon as an incentive to keep your sugar glider active and give them some mental and physical exercise. How to do it:

  • Put the watermelon pieces on a plate or in a small dish.
  • Put the plate or dish inside the cage for your sugar glider and ensure it’s easy for them to get to.
  • See what happens when your sugar glider looks at the watermelon and starts to eat it. While they eat, they can jump and play around the dish.
  • You can also hide little chunks of watermelon around their cage to get them to look for food on their own. This will keep their minds active and make them behave like they would when they are naturally looking for food.
  • On hot summer days, you can freeze small pieces of watermelon and serve them as a cool treat. Just ensure they are fresh enough before giving them to your bird.
  • Remember that you should only give them watermelon as a treat, not as a primary food source. Giving them a healthy and varied diet is essential to ensure their food needs are met. They should only get a small amount of watermelon at a time because it is fun and tasty.
  • Watch your sugar glider closely while it eats watermelon to ensure it doesn’t overeat or has any problems chewing or swallowing. If you notice any issues, you should talk to a vet specializing in unusual pets.

Using watermelon to trigger your sugar glider can be fun and educational for you and your pocket pet. Please take pleasure in watching them discover and enjoy their tasty treat!

Watermelon Storage for Sugar Gliders

Watermelon Storage for Sugar Gliders

After feeding your sugar glider, store any leftover watermelon in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Since freshness is essential, it is ideal to serve the watermelon shortly after it has been cut.

What Else Do You Need To Know Except “Can Sugar Gliders Have Watermelon?”

It’s crucial that your sugar glider’s diet not consist primarily of any one fruit or vegetable. Sugar gliders consume a wide range of foods in the wild, including insects, fruits, and vegetables. They alternate between various foods throughout the week to ensure they get all the nutrients they need. 

Watermelon is only one example of a fruit or vegetable that won’t provide sugar gliders kept in captivity with everything they need to live happy, healthy lives. When you give your adorable friends some watermelon, be sure they don’t get too full on it. 

Even though most sugar gliders adore watermelon, it’s okay if yours is the rare breed that doesn’t. Everyone has encountered someone who dislikes a cuisine that they love. Like people, sugar gliders can have dietary preferences.

Try giving your sugar gliders watermelon multiple times before giving up on feeding them. Before they taste a new food, many sugar gliders must be introduced to it several times. Squish the watermelon slightly to release even more sweet-smelling juice, making it even more enticing.

According to some pet owners, the perfect ratio of calcium to phosphorus for sugar gliders is 2:1. If you identify with this, remember to include it in the watermelon while figuring out your ratio of adorable sugar gliders.

The Ideal Watermelon to Choose for Your Sugar Glider

In order to find the pale yellow patch where the rind was pressed against the dirt, expert watermelon pickers turned the fruits upside down. They interpret this buttery smear as an indicator of watermelon ripeness. 

Because a watermelon won’t ripen after being plucked from the vine, unlike some other fruits, you should pick one out when you’re at the grocery store.

If there is a faint green or white patch beneath the melon, it wasn’t quite ripe when it was harvested. Next, take a brief test of your eyes. Please make sure there are no cuts or soft areas on the watermelon by closely inspecting it. 

Since water makes up the majority of what you are holding in your hands, the watermelon should feel heavy and be firm all the way around with a hard rind.


In conclusion, if given sparingly and in accordance with the right instructions, watermelon can be a nutritious treat for sugar gliders. Always put your pet’s safety first by introducing new foods gradually and keeping a close eye on their reaction.


How often can I safely include watermelon in my sugar glider’s diet?

occasional treat (once or twice a week), tiny portions (grape-sized), prioritize variety and watch for digestive issues.

Can baby sugar gliders eat watermelon, or is it only suitable for adults?

Yes, sugar glider babies can eat watermelon in small amounts, but only once or twice a week as a treat. This is the same rule that people follow. Make sure the seeds are taken out, and if you can, choose organic watermelon.

Is there a risk of sugar gliders becoming addicted to the sweetness of watermelon?

Unlikely. While gliders love sweet treats, their diet primarily focuses on insects and specialized food, making addiction to a specific fruit improbable. Moderation remains key!

How do I introduce watermelon to a sugar glider that has never tried it before?

Offer a tiny, seedless cube near feeding time. Monitor for any negative reactions. Introduce slowly, 1-2 times a week at most.

About the author



Susana Jean, Pocket Pet Expert and Sugar Glider Aficionado Hi everyone! I’m Susana Jean, your go-to wordsmith and pet enthusiast who has a special place in her heart for the fascinating world of sugar gliders.…Continue reading

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